Victoria Quennessen

Victoria Quennessen is a PhD student at Oregon State University in the department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences. Warmer nesting beaches produce more female sea turtles, and we currently don’t know how many males are needed for populations to survive. Victoria uses computer models to explore whether different kinds of adaptations can help a population of green sea turtles off the coast of Brazil survive in the face of climate change. 

Ms. Laura Moche

Laura Moche is an experienced professional in engineering and technology. Ms. Moche has been in the telecommunications field for 22 years, and currently works as a Senior Director at Charter Communications focused on Video Engineering and Delivery. She has a masters degree from the University of Denver in Computer Information Systems, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin in Scandinavian Studies and International Relations.

Ms. Moche’s Advice for girls to pursue STEM

Dr. Kelsey Jarrett

Dr. Jarrett graduated with a doctorate from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and now lives in sunny LA with its beautiful beaches. She works as a scientist doing cutting edge genetic research at UCLA. She studies how our genes work! Her research focuses on cholesterol and digestive acids (which help you absorb food). She researches how changes in the genes that control these things affect our risk for being overweight or having a heart attack because of clogged arteries.

Dr. Patricia Tavormina